What is the Ingolstadt Sustainability Agenda?

The Ingolstadt Sustainability Agenda is a joint project that’s made possible with everyone’s participation: citizens, non-profit initiatives, environmental organisations and experts from administration, business and science.

How has the agenda process worked so far?

What ecological, economic and social questions do we have to ask ourselves at this point? How are they connected, how do we want to weight them – and answer them as a city community? These are the questions we’re addressing during the process. For this purpose, a broad public participation for the future of Ingolstadt with over 2,000 participants took place from September 2021 to June 2022.

The results from the digital WerkStadt meetings in March 2022 and from the first and second surveys were incorporated into the sustainability strategy. The findings were presented at the event “Visions 2045” on 22 April 2022 in the city theatre. Citizens once again had the opportunity to contribute their ideas and further develop the city’s visions. You can watch the summary of the event on YouTube.

Where are we in the agenda process?

Together with the city administration, the citizens’ visions and the developed goals and indicators have been implemented in the sustainability agenda.

On 28 February 2023, the results of the process were presented to the city council and the anchoring and implementation of the sustainability goals in the city administration was approved.

You can read the results in the Sustainability Report of the City of Ingolstadt.

What’s next – MitmacherINnen

Today and in the future, we need to implement measures together to bring our visions to life. On the one hand, these are measures implemented by the administration. Yet at the same time, it’s the citizens who have intelligent, practical and creative ideas that can make our everyday life more sustainable. If you were lacking the right framework, like-minded people or the necessary means, the “MitmacherINnen” team offers exactly that!

We want to promote sustainability in our city with low-threshold, practical and creative solutions.

#MitmacherINnen events will start in July 2023.

You can register for the #MitmacherINnen participation meetings HERE.

What does “sustainability” mean?

When it comes to “sustainability”, many people immediately think of saving energy and climate protection measures. Yet there’s much more to it than that. Essentially, sustainable thinking is concerned with the future of the earth and its inhabitants. In addition to treating the environment with care, this also includes living together in dignity and peace, social warmth, diversity, economic innovations – taking the climate and the environment into account – and a high level of education.

The areas of action of the Ingolstadt Sustainability Agenda

In a comprehensive participation process, the five areas of action Economy and Innovation, Climate, Environment and Energy, Sustainable Living in Everyday Life, Diversity and Involvement, Education and Culture were identified in 2021 together with the Ingolstadt city administration. These include individual goals for Ingolstadt. Ingolstadt is guided by the 17 sustainability goals from the United Nations Agenda 2030 (see illustration).

Visions 2045 for Ingolstadt

Visions for a sustainable Ingolstadt of the future were also developed for the five areas of action in a joint process with the city community in online WerkStadt meetings in 2022. Specifically, this involved questions such as: What should the Ingolstadt of tomorrow look like? What new business areas does it need? How green should Ingolstadt be? What might sustainable living look like? How can art, culture and education contribute to sustainable development? What can a diverse, colourful and engaged Ingolstadt look like in the future?

You can read the results of the discussion process HERE.

Goals and indicators of the Ingolstadt Sustainability Agenda

Sustainable involvement in Ingolstadt

You want to get involved and participate for a sustainable future in Ingolstadt?

Below you can find some ways in which you can get involved in promoting a liveable and sustainable Ingolstadt, even as a private citizen.


Get involved in sustainability projects and network with others to implement your own ideas for a more sustainable Ingolstadt.

“MitmacherINnen” is a series of discussions organised by the Sustainability Office of the City of Ingolstadt with the kind support of the Volkshochschule Ingolstadt (Ingolstadt Adult Education Centre) and the Bürgerhaus in Ingolstadt (Ingolstadt Community Centre).

Why MitmacherINnen?

How do we chart the path to a sustainable future here in Ingolstadt? This is a big question that we can only answer with certainty on one point: It’s a joint task that thrives on the participation of all citizens of Ingolstadt!

Based on a basic resolution of our city council, the city administration and representatives of politics, science, business and civil society have worked out a comprehensive agenda for sustainable development. In this process, five areas of action were defined: Economy, Environment, Life, Education and Diversity. We intend to develop our sustainability activities in these areas.

Today and in the future, we need to implement measures together to bring our visions to life. On the one hand, these are measures implemented by the administration. Yet at the same time, it’s the citizens who have intelligent, practical and creative ideas that can make our everyday life more sustainable. If you were lacking the right framework, like-minded people or the necessary means, the “MitmacherINnen” team offers exactly that! We want to promote sustainability in our city with low-threshold, practical and creative solutions.

What is the goal of “MitmacherINnen”?

“MitmacherINnen” participants implement their own projects that bring the sustainability strategy to life in a visible way in the city society. In addition, they can draw on existing ideas from the dialogue process of the sustainability agenda. The volunteers of “MitmacherINnen” create the structures for implementation and ensure continuity. For one year, they are supported by an experienced project and moderation team, which organises communication at the events. The Sustainability Office of the City of Ingolstadt provides support in terms of content and funding and establishes the context for the strategy. Any duplication with the activities of the administration should be avoided in the process. This way, completely new and own ideas can be introduced and implemented.

When and where are the meetings?

The meetings are divided into the five areas of action and take place on different days. You are free to get involved in more than one area of action if you like. Come and join in! The dates for the third and fourth participation meetings as well as the venues will be published on our website as soon as possible.

Where do I register?

Register now and become a “MitmacherIN”. Click on the registration button for the respective date  on this site: https://nachhaltigkeitsagenda-ingolstadt.de/mitmacherinnen/#Workshop-Anmeldung

The Ingolstadt give boxes

Exchange items or take new ones with you. Anyone can participate. The give boxes are available at four locations in Ingolstadt.

Everyone knows the situation: when you’re cleaning out your home, you find appliances that are functional but no longer needed, children’s toys that you don’t want any more, or clothes that are still in good condition but unfortunately have become too small. It’s all too good to throw away. Now there’s a completely new way to put these everyday objects to new use in Ingolstadt. Functional everyday articles can now be easily dropped off at four “give boxes”. And anyone who likes something useful in the give box can take it back again free of charge. The motto is “swap, don’t buy”.

What are the give boxes for?

The project of the sustainability network IN-Zukunft and the reseller shop “Wechsel-Welten” in cooperation with the Sustainability Office of the City of Ingolstadt is intended to make a contribution against the increasing problems posed by our throwaway society worldwide. According to current estimates, more than 600 kg (source: destatis 2022) was thrown away in 2020. This puts the Federal Republic of Germany well above the EU average. Much of it still in perfect condition. There can be several reasons for this. Perhaps because it’s no longer needed, because there’s something new and better on the market, or because people simply don’t know what to do with it. To combat this annually increasing amount of rubbish, Ingolstadt already has a number of services such as bookcases, the Caritas market or the food bank. For some time now, “foodsharing cupboards” have also been available in Ingolstadt. These are cupboards of rescued food from the foodsharing initiative. The give boxes now complement this offer at several locations in Ingolstadt.

Where can I find the give boxes?

The give boxes are now available to the public at the following locations:

  • Am Viktualienmarkt 1, booth at the Ingolstadt Viktualienmarkt (currently closed due to clean-up work)
  • Hans-Denck-Str. 20, car park opposite St. Martin’s Church (around the clock)
  • Hugo-Wolf. Str. 20, Caritas workshop (7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.)
  • Christoph-von-Schmid-Str. 14, St. Luke parish (around the clock)

The map as a >>download<<.

How do the give boxes work?

Following the example of the Kreislaufschränke München e.V. association, these spaces provide a place for citizens to give away and exchange various articles. Anyone can drop off or pick up small everyday items (such as kitchen utensils, children’s toys, DVDs, glasses or vases) or even items of clothing, provided they’re in good condition. The items should be cleaned and their condition checked before they are put in the cupboard. If you want to trade in large items, they can be offered for exchange on a notice board.

The cupboards are maintained by volunteers in Ingolstadt (“sponsors”). Since the cupboard only has a limited capacity, large quantities should either be arranged in advance with the sponsors (contact: info@in-zukunft.net) or brought directly to the already existing collection points. Bulky waste or food leftovers must still be delivered to the known places (foodsharing refrigerators and cupboards, Caritas, etc.). Detailed information on use can also be found on the give boxes.

The instructions for use as a >>download<<.

Urban gardening

Whether you’re big or small, come and garden with us. Everyone is welcome to plant, tend and harvest vegetables, fruit and herbs as they please.

Time for gardening

In Ingolstadt, an urban gardening area on Jahnstrasse/Münzbergstrasse is now available to all citizens. Whether you’re big or small, everyone is welcome to plant, tend and harvest vegetables, fruit and herbs as they please. The implementation of urban gardening projects increases biodiversity in the historic centre, contributes to climate protection and strengthens the feeling of community through the joint cultivation of the gardens.

Since this is not a private garden, it may not be possible to harvest what has been planted. However, you’re sure to find something else tasty to take home. Take the opportunity to exchange ideas with others and learn from one-another while gardening together.

Kick-off event

A first opportunity to get to know the urban garden and other garden enthusiasts was the launch event on 7 July 2023 starting at 12 noon at the urban garden on Jahnstrasse/Münzbergstrasse. Lord Mayor Dr Christian Scharpf gave an opening speech and introduced the garden.

>>Impressions of the opening ceremony<<


The urban gardening project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building through the programme “Zukunftsfähige Innenstädte und Zentren” (“Sustainable Inner Cities and Centres”).

Ingolstadt is joining in!

Join in the discussion, contribute ideas and actively participate in urban development. The Ingolstadt Participation Platform provides you with information on many other projects.

You can find more information HERE.

Logo Online-Beteiligungsplattform Ingolstadt-macht-mit.de

Volunteer Center Ingolstadt

Would you like to volunteer or recruit volunteers for your association or institution? The Ingolstadt Volunteer Center offers support and more in these and other areas.

You can find more information HERE.

Logo Online-Beteiligungsplattform Ingolstadt-macht-mit.de

Engagierte Stadt

The „Engaged City“ program supports the development of lasting engagement landscapes in cities and communities in Germany between 10,000 and 250,000 inhabitants. From the development of joint ideas on site, to strengthening cohesion in cities and communities, to strengthening democracy in times of upheaval and crisis: Together, the most can be achieved locally.

You can find more information HERE.

Logo Online-Beteiligungsplattform Ingolstadt-macht-mit.de


You can find all of the city’s media and press releases on the topic of sustainability in Ingolstadt >>HERE<<. In our press releases, we regularly inform you about the current status of the Ingolstadt Sustainability Agenda as well as developments in the sustainability goals and projects for sustainability in Ingolstadt.


You can also find the publications of the magazine „Ingolstadt Sustainable“ here in


Bianca Krauser

Head of the Sustainability Office

Kevin Cordshagen

Sustainability Coordinator

Coordinator Fairtrade Steering Group

City of Ingolstadt

Board of Directors – Sustainability Office

E-mail: nachhaltigkeit@ingolstadt.de

Phone: 0841 305 2004

Gemeinsam ein Zeichen setzen

„Wir sagen Ja zu Demokratie, Vielfalt und Toleranz. Unser Ziel ist ein friedliches Miteinander und der Zusammenhalt unserer Stadtgesellschaft. Wir sind EINE Stadtgesellschaft, denn Ingolstadt ist die Heimat aller hier lebenden Menschen.“ So steht‘s im „Ingolstädter Appell“, der von den Mitgliedern des neuen Ingolstädter Bündnisses für Demokratie, Vielfalt und Toleranz unterzeichnet wurde.

Neue Naturdenkmäler in Ingolstadt

Ingolstadt erweitert die Liste seiner Naturdenkmäler: Zwölf Bäume an neun Standorten sollen neu aufgenommen werden, um sie besonders zu schützen und ihre Besonderheit zu dokumentieren.

Den Zweiten Grünring stärken und sichern

Der Zweite Grünring ist ein elementarer Baustein des stadträumlichen Leitbildes Ingolstadts und bereits seit 1996 im Flächennutzungsplan integriert. Neben der Kompensation der seit 1996 überbauten Flächen, wurde unter anderem ein Nutzungs- und Maßnahmenkonzept im Entwurf des Rahmenplans festgeschrieben.


emeinsam mit der THI und der KUEI lädt die IFG Ingolstadt vom 14. bis 16. Mai 2024 zum WIKOIN24 in das Congress Centrum Ingolstadt. Unter dem Motto „Green City – Innovationen für die Stadt von morgen“ werden zentrale Fragen der nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung diskutiert.

Ideen für Ingolstadts Zukunft

Nach wie vor kommen neue Ideen und Engagierte zu den MitmacherINnen dazu. Drei der Ideen befinden sich bereits in der unmittelbaren Umsetzung und eine ist sogar schon an den Start gegangen.

Biotopvielfalt in Ingolstadt

Die Ergebnisse der Kartierung wertvoller Lebensräume in der Stadt Ingolstadt

Manifest für demokratische Werte

Ausgehend von den Kundgebungen und den zahlreichen Initiativen und Aktionen möchte Oberbürgermeister Christian Scharpf das Engagement der Zivilgesellschaft unterstützen und durch ein Bündnis für Demokratie, Vielfalt und Toleranz verstärken.

Klimawandel oder schon Klimakrise?

Klimawandel oder eher schon Klimakrise? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen natürlichem und menschengemachtem Treibhauseffekt? Und was ist ein sogenannter Kipppunkt? Warum können Schlittenhunde in der Arktis inzwischen übers Wasser gehen? Was ist Permafrost und was hat das mit uns in Ingolstadt zu tun?

Zweite Auflage von „cinEScultura“

Zweite Auflage von „cinEScultura“ vom 19. April bis 12. Mai 2024. Spanisches Film- und Kulturfestival kehrt nach Ingolstadt zurück.

Verbesserungen beim Regionalexpress gefordert

In einem gemeinsamen Schreiben an den bayerischen Verkehrsminister und den Bundesverkehrsminister setzen sich Oberbürgermeister Dr. Christian Scharpf und die drei Landräte der Landkreise Pfaffenhofen, Eichstätt und Neuburg-Schrobenhausen für den Bahnverkehr ein.